Oyindamola Browne
For me, worship means using my God-given gift of voice on and off the stage to bring Him glory and to draw others to Jesus. Being a part of R3church means and has taught me to be a love-filled participant in the growth of others, and be willing to grow and learn from others.

Lydia Konteh
To me worship is an outward expression of gratitude for the work and changes God has been making inwardly. Being on this team has taught me that worship is not only singing but it is a lifestyle. Living springs embodies that truth and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Masso Jabie
For me, worship is to reverence God for who he is. I believe that my voice is an instrument that God has given me to praise him and bring others into his presence. Being a part of this team has shown me what true worship to God is. I have grown and learned many things that have impacted my life. Being part of R3 Church has encouraged me to go deeper in my personal relationship with God. This church is filled with people who love and care for each other, and are ready to give guidance to those that need it. I’m so grateful to be part of this ministry and to be able to use the gift that God has given me.

Martina Pokolo
Worship to me means expressing who God is. Being part of R3 Church and the worship team has helped me greatly in my growth and work with God, and I am also being challenged to grow every day.
Mark Conteh
For me worship entails living my life in a way that exalts God. Being a part of this team and R3church has helped me in my life and my walk with GOD. For example, I can't do the things I used to do anymore. The kinds of music I used to listen to, I can't listen to them anymore, and I'm glad that I don't do worldly things anymore.